전시회 안내

참가업체 검색

Amedcon Healthcare Manufacturing Ltd. Amedcon Healthcare Manufacturing Ltd.

Hall Hall CC-571
주소 suite 2311, 23 / F, BEA Tower Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road , Kwun Tong ,KowLoon , HongKong
전화 852-23206277
팩스 852-23201515
이메일 richard.lun@amedcon.com


Amedcon Healthcare Manufacturing Ltd., an ISO 13485 certified industry leader, specializes in the development and manufacturing of dental material delivery systems, disposable dental instruments, and other medical devices. Our advanced facility and dedicated team are closely aligned with your needs, ensuring attention to details and providing the highest quality results.

참가업체 제품

플라스틱 팁 (Plastic delivery tip ) -
마텔 팁 (Matel tip ) -
믹싱 주걱, 계량스푼 (Mixing spatula and measuring spoon) -
루어 잠금 캡 (Luer lock cap) -
주사기 (Syringe ) -
치과용 스케일러 (Dental scaler ) -
치과용 거울 (Dental mirror, probe, explorer) -